The EQAO Provincial Assessment for Grades 3 and 6 students begins next Tuesday, May 22 and ends June 1, 2018. Students in Grades 3 and 6 will be writing sections of the assessment on selected days during the morning between 9 a.m. and noon. An occasional section may be written in the afternoon.
If you are a parent or a guardian of a Grade 3 or 6 student, please ensure that your child is ON TIME each day during the assessment period. Students need to be ready to write each morning and may need the entire time to complete the section of the assessment.
We have scheduled some make-up days - as we have some flexibility in case a student is absence on one of the days. Should you have any questions about EQAO, please do not hesitate to contact the your child's teacher or the School Office (Mrs. Lamy or Mrs. Lomanno)