Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Blog or Tweet with us!

Fossil Hill has embraced Social Media!  In the spirit of innovation and technology, we would like to invite you to visit our Social Media sites.  We are moving away from newsletters and invite you to connect with the learning and events in “real-time” by visiting our Twitter pages and our Fossil Hill Blog.  You will find lots of exciting news and updates from all areas of our school.  Furthermore, all blogs can be translated into the language of your choice for which you wish to read our updates!  Bookmark our Blog and follow us on Twitter.  Please note, if you prefer not to sign up for Twitter, you can still see our Twitter feed via our 

To view of school blog:  

To follow us on our Twitter pages: 
Fossil Hill PS@FossilHillPS

Imagine Fossil@imaginefhps


Dear Families: Everyone likes to be up to date with the latest news and EDSBY makes that easy. The News River is located at the top...