Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Parent Survey - Open Until May 31

Dear Families:

A reminder that there is still time to complete the survey.  The timeline for the survey has been extended to May 31, 2017. If you haven’t already had the opportunity to complete the survey, we would encourage you to please take 15 minutes to complete the survey online.

The information you provide will be anonymous and individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.  Individuals will not be identified in any reports resulting from this survey.

We appreciate your participation in this voluntary survey. Your thoughts and insights will help further our vision as we work together to promote student achievement and well-being.

If you have any questions, please contact the school.


Scott Chin                   Carolyn Lamy
Principal                     Vice Principal

Simple Gift - Regulation Parenting Seminar

Dear Families,

Please find attached an information flyer for a parenting seminar on Emotional Regulation hosted at Blue Willow P.S. on June 15th.  

Thank you,
Ms Lamy

Friday, May 26, 2017

Early Dismissal - Thursday, June 29, 2017

All schools in the York Region District School Board are committed to improving student achievement and well-being. On Thursday, June 29, 2017, an early release day will take place to allow elementary teachers and support staff to take part in meetings during the afternoon of that day. These meetings will allow for school staff to engage in culminating activities regarding the review and revision of the School’s Improvement Plan as well as year-end and transition activities that support student success.

As has been our practice in the past, students will attend school during the morning of Thursday, June 29, 2017 only. Students will be dismissed early that day at 11:40 a.m. Arrangements will be made to ensure that students who are normally bused to and from school will receive transportation at this time. Parents/guardians whose children attend after school child care should make appropriate arrangements to address this change in schedule.

Thank you.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Fossil Hill PS Family Fun Fair - Thursday, May 25: 5-8pm

Hey Fossil Families,

Please join us tomorrow evening, Thursday, May 25, 5-8pm for our Fossil Hill PS Family Fun Fair!

RAIN or SHINE we have so many activities and games planned.  You can purchase wristbands and tickets at the doors.

Note: Food also includes Halal and Veggie options

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Wishing all our families a fabulous three day weekend!


Grade 6 EQAO begins on Tuesday, May 23 to May 26.

Grade 3 EQAO begins on Monday, May 29 to June 5.

Parent Survey Timeline Extended

Dear Families:

As you may know, we are inviting parents and guardians to participate in a survey to support student achievement and well-being. The timeline for the survey has been extended to May 31, 2017. If you haven’t already had the opportunity to complete the survey, we would encourage you to please take 15 minutes to complete the survey online.

Paper copies are available in English, Chinese, Farsi, Gujarati, Hebrew, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Tamil, Urdu and Vietnamese.  If you prefer to complete the survey on paper, please contact the school to request a paper copy. If you complete the survey on paper, please return it to the school in the envelope provided.

The surveys provide the Board and our school with valuable information about how you feel about the school and your child’s education.  Results from the survey will be used to identify areas to be addressed, monitor progress, and plan strategies to support students.

The information you provide will be anonymous and individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.  Individuals will not be identified in any reports resulting from this survey.

We appreciate your participation in this voluntary survey. Your thoughts and insights will help further our vision as we work together to promote student achievement and well-being.

If you have any questions, please contact the school.


Scott Chin                   Carolyn Lamy

Principal                     Vice Principal

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Parent Survey

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Our parents and guardians are our strongest partners in education and we want to hear from you. The York Region District School Board is inviting all parents and guardians to complete a survey. This survey provides an important opportunity for parent/guardian voice and the results will be used to guide planning to support student achievement and well-being.

The survey is aligned with the priorities of the Board Improvement Plan and includes questions about school learning environments, mathematics, student mental health and well-being, equity and inclusivity, and caring and safe schools. The survey is in compliance with the Ontario Education Act and fulfills the Ministry of Education’s mandate to conduct surveys related to school climate.

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The English version of the survey is available online at

Paper surveys are available in English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Farsi, Gujarati, Hebrew, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Tamil, Urdu and Vietnamese. Please contact the school to request a paper copy. If you choose to complete the survey on paper, please return it to the school in the envelope provided.

We value parent/guardian input and encourage you to complete the survey before May 19th. The information you provide will be anonymous, considered confidential and kept in strict accordance with all relevant legislation. You may choose to complete one survey for each child. Survey results will be available in the late Fall through your school principal. Please contact the school if you have any questions. Thank you for your support.


Scott Chin                                           Carolyn Lamy

Principal                                             Vice Principal       

Monday, May 01, 2017

親子正面教育免費課程(普通語及英語) 五月至六月 - FREE Triple P Positive Parenting Program in Mandarin and English (May to June)

親子正面教育免費課程(普通語及英語) 五月至六月

 致各位家長和監護人, 如果您有興趣了解如何應付孩子的反叛行為, 幫助孩子建立家庭作業習慣及處理焦慮, 在五月至六月將有一個名為親子正面教育的免費課程(普通語及英語) . 詳情請參附件

Dear parents and guardians, if you are interested in knowing more about how to handle rudeness and disrespect, encourage healthy homework habits, and help your child coping with anxiety, please see the attached flyer for a free Triple P program coming up in May and June)  


Dear Families: Everyone likes to be up to date with the latest news and EDSBY makes that easy. The News River is located at the top...